Member's Name
First Name
Last Name
Member's Birthdate
Member's Pronouns or Gender
Name of Person Filling Out This Form
First Name
Last Name
Your Relationship to Member
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Your Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Which weeks would you like to register for?
Midwinter Break Camp: February 17-20 from 2-5pm (Teens & Young adults ages 13+)
Spring Break Camp: April 14-17 from 10am-1pm (Teens & Young Adults Ages 13+)
Spring Break Camp: April 14-17 from 2-5pm (Teens & Young adults ages 13+)
Are you planning on using DDA Respite Funds to pay for this camp?
If using DDA funds, please include contact information for your DDA Case Manager below.
Members are encouraged to take class independent of caregivers; if member has a support need that requires a caregiver's presence, please let us know.
What kind of music/musical artist does this group member enjoy? Do they have a favorite song? Other favorite instruments, etc.?
What (if any) kind of physical accommodations might this group member need?
Does this group member use any mobility equipment such as a wheelchair, walker, etc.? If yes, please describe.
How does this group member communicate? How can we best support their communication needs?
(For example: verbal, sign language, TalkBox, iPad, etc.)
How might this group member express their needs? (water, bathroom, rest, etc.)
Group members should bring their own snack. Can your group member eat independently? Please share what staff needs to know to provide the best support for snack time.
Is this group member independent in the bathroom? If not, please share what staff needs to know to provide the best support.
Is there anything staff ought to know about this group member to help keep them and others safe while in camp?
Does this group member have any medical needs? If yes, please share what staff will need to know to help this group member in class.
Does this group member have any sensitivities? What, if anything, helps?
Please share a bit about this group member's school setting, if applicable.
Does your child work with an aide in class? Is your child in a self-contained classroom or part of an inclusion model at their school? What does your child like best about school?
How does this group member show they are getting dysregulated, overwhelmed, or distressed? What, if anything, helps?
What do you think this group member will enjoy most about this camp? What might be more challenging?
What do you hope this group member gains from this camp experience?
Lastly, please share anything else you would like us to know about this group member that will help us support them for a positive class experience.
Zip Code
Which of the following best represents the group member's race?
Please check all that apply
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian / Asian-American
Black / African American / African
Middle Eastern / North African
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander
Other / Not Listed
Prefer Not to Say
If other, please specify
Does this group member identify as Hispanic / Latinx?
Prefer Not to Say
What language do you prefer to speak at home?
American Sign Language
Chinese - Cantonese
Chinese - Mandarin
Prefer Not to Say
If Other, please specify
What gender does the group member identify as?
Self-Describes in Another Way
Prefer Not to Say
If Self-Describes in Another Way, please specify